The 1992 River Cards - Elvis Wheels - (Cards 361 - 378)

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The Checklist   The Binder   Promo   Early Days   Army Days   Elvis Movies   Rockin' The Tube   Graceland Tour   The Wertheimer Collection   Elvis With Celebrities   Elvis Personal Life   Elvis Portraits   Elvis Wheels   '68 NBC TV Special   Elvis SRO   Elvis In Vegas   Aloha Special    The Elvis Collection   The Top Ten Hits Cards   The Gold And Platinum Records Cards - Embossed set   The Gold And Platinum Records Cards - Yellow and grey set   The Special 29 Cents Stamp Card   Quotable Elvis   The King Cards - First set (set of 5)   The King Cards - Promo cards for the 2nd King Cards set   The King Cards - 2nd set (Set of 25)   The Special Offers   The Presskit

       Card 361  (S2)
   Card 362   (S2)

       Card 363   (S1)
   Card 364  (S3)

       Card 365  (S1)
   Card 366   (S2)

   Card 367   (S3)
   Card 368   (S1)

       Card 369   (S2)
   Card 370   (S1)

   Card 371   (S3)
   Card 372  (S1)

   Card 373   (S3)
   Card 374   (S3)

   Card 375   (S1)
   Card 376   (S2)

   Card 377   (S2)
   Card 378   (S3)

The Checklist   The Binder   Promo   Early Days   Army Days   Elvis Movies   Rockin' The Tube   Graceland Tour   The Wertheimer Collection   Elvis With Celebrities   Elvis Personal Life   Elvis Portraits   Elvis Wheels   '68 NBC TV Special   Elvis SRO   Elvis In Vegas   Aloha Special    The Elvis Collection   The Top Ten Hits Cards   The Gold And Platinum Records Cards - Embossed set   The Gold And Platinum Records Cards - Yellow and grey set   The Special 29 Cents Stamp Card   Quotable Elvis   The King Cards - First set (set of 5)   The King Cards - Promo cards for the 2nd King Cards set   The King Cards - 2nd set (Set of 25)   The Special Offers   The Presskit

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